Prior to the activity, talk about positive character qualities which
people have such as being kind, considerate, friendly, helpful, nice,
thoughtful, caring. You can also discuss talents which people have such
as singing, playing a musical instrument, being good at sports, etc.
Have the children sit in a circle on the floor or in chairs. Give
one child a large heart made from red construction paper. While music
is playing, the children pass the heart to their right around the
circle. Once the music stops, the pupil who has the heart will choose
either the child to their left or right and say something positive about
them, such as: I think you are very kind. You are a great soccer player. I like how you color. You are really nice.
Be sure something positive is said about each child in class before ending the activity.
Challenge the children to tell each of their family members something
they really like about them on Valentine's Day either in person, on the
phone or via e-mail.