
OPERATION T.A.D. - Teacher Appreciation Day

Plan a Teacher Appreciation Day to provide opportunity for students to show appreciation to their teachers. "Top Secret" is the label placed on Operation T.A.D. Send each child a letter the week before this special day, giving these instructions:

Assignment No. 1: Tie this string on your finger so you don't forget that this Sunday is "Teacher Appreciation Day" in the children's division of our Sunday School. (A string is taped to the letter.)

Assignment No. 2: Seal your lips! The Sunday School teachers don't know anything about this special day. So -- shhhh! Let's surprise them! Don't let the secret out!

Assignment No. 3: Write a poem, or a letter, or buy a little gift to show your appreciation for your teacher. Bring it Sunday, hand it to your teacher and tell her thanks for being your Sunday School teacher.