

by Betty Robertson and Sharlene Wade

1. Maintains a consistent, daily devotional life. It's so easy as a children's director to get bogged down in busyness and overwhelmed with deadline demands that personal time with God becomes sporadic. By carving out time for solitude, Bible reading, prayer, and soul-searching we can develop an intimacy with God to provide the strength necessary for effective ministry.

2. Lives a godly life of high character. Children don't remember as much of what we teach them as we might like, but they DO remember us! Living a life of godly example emphasizes that life has its ups and downs, but God is consistent, reliable, dependable, and therefore the responses given for joyous and difficult situations are reflective of actions pleasing to God.

3. Collects ideas on a regular basis through book reading, on-line research, and attendance at regional and/or national conferences. These insights will not only keep the children's pastor's ministry fresh, but provide solutions and continued excitement as they are shared among all at of the people working with children.

4. Chooses to care by praying daily for all children at the church and their families; by regular contact with the boys and girls through E-mails, letters, and special birthday recognitions; and by attendance at off-site events in which the kids participate, such as ball games and concerts.

5. Understands and applies the principles of lay involvement including effective recruitment; consistent staff training; and encouragement methods. Develops a viable children's ministry team (coalition, board, etc.) to share the passions for children's ministry.

6. If not endowed with the gift of organization, learns how to become proficient in time management and also in putting order to both structures and programs. Seeks to streamline processes to optimize the hand-son time with children and staff. Prioritizes goals, commitments, and deadlines.

7. Evaluates current ministry approaches continually to determine effectiveness and adapts programming accordingly.

8. Is coachable and develops opportunities to coach others - discipleship. Removes the "mystic"from ministry so that others develop confidence in positively impacting the lives of children for Christ. Understands the value of delegation as not only a time savings, but also an opportunity for others to share in ministry.

9. Seeks to merge/incorporate children's ministry into every ministry of the church versus a minds set of a distinct ministry area, thus providing the church as a whole to embrace the blessing of ministry to and by children.

10. Communicates the passion for children's ministry to the congregation as a whole. Publicizes events to children and adults to increase awareness and to relay the purposes of special programming.