
Baby Moses in Basket Surprise Picture - Art Project

Needed for Each Child: 8 ½” x 11 white construction paper; scissors; markers or crayons.

Activity: Help the children make 2 ½” folds on the 8 ½” sides of the construction paper. Then show them how to cut away 2” x 4” pieces on both sides to make the surprise picture. Print “God protected Moses” (Exodus 2:1-20) on the inside top. The boys and girls can draw tall grass on the front flaps, with baby Moses on the river inside.

Baby Moses in Basket - Craft

Needed for Each Child: 7 x 8 ½” piece of sturdy brown construction paper; 40 toothpicks; glue; clear tape; white construction paper; 3 ½” x 4” piece of cloth; crayons or makers; sticker on which has been written: “God Protected Moses” - Exodus 2:1-20.

Activity: On each corner of the brown construction paper cut away a 2” x 2” square. Fold and tape to create a basket. Place sticker on inside of basket. Glue toothpicks on outside of basket. Children draw and cut out a baby Moses, wrap him in a blanket and place him in the basket. Encourage the children to share this Bible story with their families.