
NOAH BIBLE STORY - For Preschoolers

God told Noah, "Build a BIG boat." (Move arms showing "big").

God told Noah, "This needs to be a REALLY BIG boat." (move arms showing "really big").

Noah obeyed God.

Noah worked and worked.
(Say: "Hammer - hammer, Hammer - hammer" and do motions).

Noah worked and worked. (Say: "Hammer - hammer, Hammer - hammer" and do motions).

Hurry, Noah, Hurry. It's going to rain. (Say: "Hammer - hammer, Hammer - hammer" and do motions).

Noah worked and worked. (Say: "Hammer - hammer, Hammer - hammer" and do motions).

Hurry, Noah, Hurry. God is going to send lots and lots of rain. (Say: "Pitter-patter , pitter-patter" & do rain motions).

Noah finshed the big boat. (Say: "Whew" - do motion of hand across forehead in relief).

It rained. (Say: "Pitter-patter , pitter-patter" & do rain motions).

And rained. (Say: "Pitter-patter , pitter-patter" & do rain motions).

And rained. (Say: "Pitter-patter , pitter-patter" & do rain motions).

It rained for 40 days. (Say: "Pitter-patter , pitter-patter" & do rain motions).

It rained for 40 nights. (Say: "Pitter-patter , pitter-patter" & do rain motions).

Finally the rain stopped. It was the biggest flood the world ever had.

God promised He would never send that much rain again.

He put a beautiful rainbow
(arc motions) in the sky as a reminder of His promise.
God keeps His promises.

The story is found in the Bible. (Show a Bible.)

SONG: "God Keeps His Promises"

(Tune: Chorus of "Jesus Loves Me")

Yes, God keeps His promises.
Yes, God keeps His promises.
Yes, God keeps His promises.
The Bible tells me so.