
VBS - How to Increase Enrollment

Person-to-person contact. There is no greater communication system than one person telling another. Get the boys and girls excited so they will invite their friends. Be sure parents and adults in the church are aware of your program and dates.

Telephone. Call all Sunday school members and attenders of last year's school and let them know about the exciting, upcoming VBS. Extend a personal invitation to attend. Talk with parents to see if transportation is needed or if they can be involved in helping.

Promotional flyers. Send out at least two colorful, attractive publicity flyers.

Operation: Invasion. The Saturday prior to the opening of the school, distribute promotional flyers within a 3-mile radius of the church, at shopping centers, play-grounds and parks. Enlist commitments from children and parents by pre-registering the boys and girls.

Pre-registration. The week prior to VBS, start pre-enrolling children in their Sunday school classes or at a special booth set up in the church foyer. This not only reminds the boys and girls of the upcoming event, but serves to eliminate Free gifts. In your VBS publicity, announce a free gift to all who attend the first session.

Radio spots. Send basic information to the "community calendar" of your local radio station, including the who, what, when and where details of your event.

Newspapers. Let people in the community know you care about their children.

Sign. Place an attractive sign in your church yard.