

Submitted by Rev. Earl Paul Robertson

A Biblical Pattern for Prayer: II Chronicles 20

1. Go to God first (v. 3) Jeremiah 33:2-3

Do not wait until you are emotionally exhausted by worry and anxiety, then go to God.

2. Enlist pray support (v. 4) I Thessalonians 5:25

Do not try to be a "lone ranger", ask friends to pray with and for you.

3. Focus on God and His mighty deeds (vs. 5-9) Psalm 77:11

Builds your faith. If God did it before, He can do it again.

4. Spread it out before the Lord (vs. 10-11) 2 Kings 19:9-14

Usually problems pile up. Break them down into discernible segments. Pray for one problem at a time until you get assurance from God that He will take care of it.

5. Humble yourself before God (v. 12b,c) James 4:6-7

We have no power and we have no plan.

6. Fix your eyes on the Lord (v. 12d) Hebrews 12:1-3

When we focus on Him our problems are seen in their right perspective.

7. Wait in the presence of the Lord for guidance (vs. 13-16) Psalm 33:20-22

Do not rush into action, wait to receive His guidance.

8. Remember Whose battle it really is (v. 15) Deuteronomy 20:4

The battle is not yours but the Lord's. If you have surrendered your life to God, the battle becomes His responsibility.

9. Hold steady (v. 17) Ephesians 6:13

Stand firm and see His deliverance.

10. Remember Who is with you. (v. 17) Hebrews 13:5-6

You are not alone.

11. Worship the Lord (v. 18) Psalm 95:6

After you have assurance God has heard you, worship Him

12. Praise the Lord (vs. 19-23) Psalm 22:3

V.22 - In the process of praising, while they were praising, the Lord brought the victory. God inhabits the praise of His people

13. Have a victory celebration (vs. 27-28) Psalm 145:7