

An exciting program that demonstrates God's love through gift-filled shoe boxes. Each year caring individuals, families, churches, schools, businesses, and other groups fill shoe boxes with toys, school supplies, and other items, and send them to Collection Centers operated by Samaritan's Purse, the Christian relief and evangelism organization.

The boxes are delivered worldwide to millions of children affected by war, poverty, disease, and disaster. These shoe boxes open doors for presenting the Good News of Jesus Christ through Children's literature, personal witnessing, and evangelistic programs, and many lives are changed for eternity.

For the church, Operation Christmas Child is a hands-on missions project that every member can participate in, and it is a great way to draw a congregation together. The purpose is to share the
joy of Christmas and the love of Jesus Christ with suffering children around the world.

Everything you need to know about how to pack the boxes, drop-off locations, and promotional Ideas to use in your local church are available on the web site: