
Jerusalem Markeplace VBS

Jerusalem Marketplace immerses learners of all ages in Bible-times culture. Preschoolers through adults taste and smell new foods, explore new traditions, and discover new talents as they try their hand at arts and crafts.

At Jerusalem Marketplace VBS, you'll be a part of:

Bible Times Experience–Participants step back in time and discover the incredible accounts in the Bible really did happen.

• build strong relationships with other tribe members
• explore authentic traditions
• create handmade projects
• taste and smell exotic foods

Life-long Bible Learning–It's a multisensory experience! Jerusalem Marketplace uses all five senses–see, hear, taste, touch, and smell–to create Bible encounters participants can't wait to share with others! Plus, you can send guests home with Bible Memory Makers and Family Devotional Kits–tools to reinforce learning.