

People are often reluctant to help in VBS because they feel unqualified; think someone else can do the job better; fear the unknown; are afraid they will fail; do not understand what is involved in the specific assignment; or are turned off by the poor enlistment technique of “there’s no one else who will do it.”

If VBS is God's work, you can count on Him to provide the needed help. Rather than a general call from the pulpit (“anyone interested in working in VBS see so-and-so after church“), directly contact people. Sixty percent of people in any congregation do NOT respond to general announcements! One-on-one recruitment is always the most effective, and also eliminates the possibility of individuals responding for a position who are not qualified. Ask specific people for a specific job.

Running an effective Vacation Bible School requires an excited, dedicated and coordinated staff. Have in hand a list of all needed positions, such as: advertising, Bible discovery, nursery child care, class coordinator, crafts, decorating, games, mission project, music, photography, preschool, puppetry, registration, set-up/dismantling crew, supplies shopper, snacks, teacher assistants, transportation, etc.