
"LOVING BY HELPING" - Bible Story & Lesson (Good Samaritan)

BIBLE STORY (based on Luke 10:30-37):

(Every time the children hear the word “walking” in the story, they stand and walk in place.  Tell the boys and girls that when you put your hand in the stop position, they are to be seated.)

A man was walking from Jerusalem to Jericho.  Suddenly, robbers attacked him.  They beat him up, took his clothes, and left him there.

A priest came walking down the same road.  The man thought, “Great!  Someone will help me.”  But the priest was in a hurry and didn’t take the time to stop and help the injured man.

A Levite came walking down the same road.  The man thought, “Great!  I hope this person will help me.”  But this teacher in the temple did not stop and help the injured man either.

A Samaritan came walking down the same road.  The injured man probably thought, “The first two people who came by didn’t help me.  This person probably won’t either.”

But when the Samaritan saw the man lying there all beaten and bloody, he wanted to help him.  He gave him first aid and placed bandages on the wounded man’s body.  Then he carefully helped the injured man get on his donkey, took him to a place to stay for the night and continued to take care of him.

For discussion questions, suggested song, Bible verse, creative activity and snack idea to accompany this Bible story -- please click HERE.