

1. Prepare thoroughly.
Lessons should be action-packed with creative, exciting presentations
2. Anticipate problems and act to prevent them.
3. Have the room prepared when that first pupil arrives.
The children must have something constructive to do immediately. Those first few minutes set the tone for the class time which follows.
4. Give choices within acceptable limits.
5. Determine how your actions and responses can be carried out in love.
When disciplining children, they should be corrected in a way that shows them they are loved. When boys and girls sense our loving concern, they’re much more willing to emulate our values and our relationship with God. The key to discipling children is to model Christ-like behavior for them while assuring them in every way possible that we truly love them.
6. Evaluate the reasons for misbehavior.
It could be a need for attention, boredom, upset emotions, insecurity, illness, hunger, or inner tension expressed by wiggles.
7. Make your children feel valued.
Use such phrases as: “I’m glad you’re a part of our class”; “You are important to me”; “How special you are”; or “Do you know that God created you one of a kind?”
8. Pray regularly.
Ask God to give you wisdom to respond, not react, to situations and that your inner attiude will always be appropriate when exercising authority.
9. Pray for each child by name and need.
God created the boys and girls in your class. He knows them better than anyone else. When your heart yells, “I don’t know what to do” — go to God and seek His wisdom. If we go to Him seeking answers, we will find them!
10. Make expectations clear by setting up a few classroom rules.
a. Follow directions
b. Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself
c. Be respectful – that includes respecting the teacher, visitors, other students, and property
11. When giving the rules, explain reasons behind.
Children have a right to know that when we all obey the rules we are safer and have more fun. The goal of discipline is to teach children and to lead them increasingly toward self-discipline.
12. Share consequences of not following the rules.
Specific positive and negative consequences will be different at each age and stage of development. What works in the preschool class will need to be different in the middler group.
13. Once policies have been stated, allow no infringements.
Be consistent.
14. Talk less, act more.
Instead of asking children to be quiet over and over, wait for them to give you their attention. Or flip a light switch if it gets too noisy.
15. Follow a set plan for desirable behavior.
a. Deal with the problem individually.
b. Have the child tell what he did and share “What rule was broken?”
c. Ask what rule was broken.
d. Be sure child understands why the behavior is not acceptable.
e. Let the child experience the consequences of his behavior.
f. Give love and reassurance.