

 Heavenly Father,

I recognize my need for wisdom and strength. You are wise, powerful, and strong. You give strength and wisdom to those who ask. 

Thank You for entrusting these precious children to my care. Thank You for the opportunity to teach them about You and the way You want them to live.  

Father, there are so many negative elements that could corrupt these children. Help me to be a positive influence in their lives. Help me to guide them to activities and ideas that will help them understand Your love for them and Your desire for them to become part of Your family.  

Help me as I prepare each lesson. Show me how I can take the lesson topic and relate it to the children’s spiritual and emotional needs. Help me to be a good example of what a Christian is.
Help me to be willing to share what I have learned from experience. Help me to relate in every way I can the joy of being a child of God and a follower of Jesus.

Children are so influenced by media and technology. Sometimes, I may find it difficult to keep up with all the gadgets and games they are using. Help me to find good ways to use the knowledge of technology and games in a way that attracts their interest and keeps me current with what is happening in their lives.
Help me to use this knowledge in the examples I give for applying the biblical lesson to the children’s lives.
Father, help us to enjoy our time together this year. Help me to use good discipline techniques, so every child wants to learn and participate in the class activities.

Help us to stay focused as a class on the biblical concepts and knowledge you want the children to learn. Help me to correct in a loving way, so the children feel good about themselves and You.

When the need arises, help me to be willing to set aside the agenda I have planned for the class.
Help me to be perceptive to Your voice when You have something special you want me to say to this class. Help me to show a listening attitude to them, also. They may not remember what I teach, but help them to remember my willingness to listen and pray for them and their needs.

Father, give me patience and understanding. Help me to love every child. Give me wisdom to know how to help these children grow in their spiritual knowledge. Help me to lead those who are ready to become Christians. 

I pray these things in the name of Your Son, Jesus Christ.

(Contributed by Beula Postelwait)