
Three Brave Men Did What Was Right -- Bible Story

Preparation: Make a sign which reads: NO! No - no - no! NO! Show the sign to the children and tell them when you hold it up during the story they are to chant it. (Practice a few times.) 

Interactive Bible Story: King Nebuchadnezzar said, “When you hear the music, you must bow down and worship the golden statue (Point to picture.). You must do this because I say so. And if you don‘t bow down and worship this statue, you will be thrown into a really, really hot oven.”

God said in the Ten Commandments that we are NOT to worship anyone or anything other than Him, because He is the one and only real God.

The king said, “I want everybody to come to the dedication of this statute.” So all the governors, judges, counselors, sheriffs, lawyers, chief officials and people from all the provinces gathered around the statue. Among all the people were three men who loved God very much: Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego.

When the music began, people started bowing down to the statue. The governors bowed. The judges bowed. The counselors bowed. The sheriffs bowed. The lawyers bowed. The chief officials bowed. Everyone was bowing.

Did Shadrach bow? (Hold up sign and lead the children in chanting.) NO! No - no - no! NO!

Did Meshach bow? (Hold up sign and lead the children in chanting.) NO! No - no - no! NO! 

Did Abednego bow? (Hold up sign and lead the children in chanting.) NO! No - no - no! NO! 

When King Nebuchadnezzar found out these three men had disobeyed his orders, he was really, really, really angry. He said, “You WILL bow down and worship my statue. If you don’t, you will be thrown into a fiery furnace.”

The three men knew the governors had bowed - the judges had bowed - the counselors had bowed - the sheriffs had bowed - the lawyers had bowed - the chief officials had bowed. EVERYONE had bowed except them. So, did they decide they should also bow? (Hold up sign and lead children in chanting.) NO! No - no - no! NO! 

The three men said: If you throw us into the fire, our God whom we serve will save us.”

And God did exactly that! When it was all over and the men climbed out of the furnace they didn’t even smell like smoke. There were no burned spots on their bodies. There were no burned spots on their hair. There were not burned spots on their clothing. God had sent an angel to protect them in the fiery furnace.

Even though EVERYONE else was doing the wrong thing, these three men were strong and courageous and did what was right!