Jesus Quiets the Bad Storm - Bible Story & Lesson: Luke 8:22-25
Lesson by Betty Benson Robertson
BIBLE STORY: Based on Luke 8:22-25
Preparation: If possible, designate an area large enough where all children can sit and pretend to be disciples in a boat on the Sea of Galilee.
Instructions: When the boys and girls hear you say “the disciples rowed and rowed and rowed”, they are to make rowing motions. (Demonstrate.)
One day Jesus and his disciples got in a boat. Jesus was tired and laid down. They were all going to cross the lake, so the disciples rowed and rowed and rowed.
Soon Jesus fell asleep. The disciples rowed and rowed and rowed.
Suddenly, clouds covered the sky until it was dark. The disciples rowed and rowed and rowed.
It started to rain. The disciples rowed and rowed and rowed.
The storm got worse. Lightening flashed in the sky. Loud thunder boomed. The disciples rowed and rowed and rowed.
The boat rocked back and forth. The waves rose higher and higher. Water splashed into the boat. They rowed and rowed and rowed.
The disciples were really scared. More water came into the boat. They were afraid the boat would tip over and they would all end up in the water.
They woke Jesus and said: “Master! Save us! We’re going to drown!”
When Jesus sat up, He saw the dark clouds and lightning. He heard the thunder. He felt the boat rocking, and He saw how afraid His disciples were.
Jesus told the wind, “Silence!” and the waves, “Quiet down.”
Immediately, the wind stopped blowing. All the dark clouds disappeared. The sea became quiet and still again.
Jesus looked at His friends. “Why were you so afraid?” He asked them. “Didn’t you know I would take care of you?”
The disciples talked among themselves. “Who is this Man?” they asked each other. “Even the winds and the waves obey Him. He must be the Son of God.”
SONG: “Jesus Can” by Mary Rice Hopkins from Miracle Mud album.
BIBLE VERSE: “Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you (1 Peter 5:7, New Living Translation).
BIBLE MEMORY ACTIVITY: “Say It Loud, Say It Quiet”
Have the boys and girls quote the verse together in unision. Then ask the children to say the verse loud; quiet; loud with their eyes closed; quiet with their hands on their hands; loud with their hands behind their backs; quiet with hands touching their toes.
Needed for Each Child: Shoebox; 1 sheet brown construction paper; 3 sheets white construction paper; 14 craft sticks; 13 circles; clear tape.
Preparation: Cut 1 slit in the shoe box lid at the front of the boat where Jesus will stand; 1 slit at the back of the boat where the rain/lighting stick will be insert; 12 slits for the disciples.
Activity: Children draw and cut out a brown boat shape and glue to the side of the box.
Faces are drawn on the circles and the circles attached to the 13 sticks with tape. Children draw lighting/rain and attach to a stick with tape.
Before taking their “Story In A Box” home, allow children to practice re-telling by following your lead. The 12 disciples get in the boat (place sticks). Jesus gets in the boat and lays down. The disciples row the boat. A storm suddenly comes up (insert lightening/rain picture). The disciples are afraid and wake up Jesus. (Insert Jesus in slot at front of boat.) Jesus says: “Peace be still.” The winds and waves are quiet (remove storm picture).
EXTENDED ACTIVITY: Learn names of the disciples using the “12 Disciples Song” from: This song uses the “10 Little Indians” tune which makes memorizing easy.
SNACK 'N YAK: If at all possible, go to the area of your room where you told the Bible story in the “boat”. The children pretend to be the disciples, eating a snack of crackers, cheese, and grapes. While eating, ask: Have any of you ever been outside in a bad storm? How did you feel? Have there been any others times you been really scared? When we are afraid, what can we do?
Jesus Heals A Paralyzed Man - Bible Story & Lesson
BIBLE STORY: based on Mark 2:1-12
Instructions: Make a New Testament home from a box (see picture). Cut open a door and cut out a hole in the roof. Make one mat of cloth and craft sticks. Create a second mat with four pieces of yarn attached to each corner. Gather together play people. Use these props for telling the story.
Everyone wanted to see Jesus! There were lots and lots and lots of people around the house.
At the edge of the crowd was a man who could not walk. He was lying on a stretcher.
His friends had taken him to see Jesus.
They looked and looked and looked around. There were SO many people! HOW were they going to get their friend close to Jesus?
Suddenly one of them had an idea! They got their heads together in a huddle and talked.
Finally one said: “Okay! Let’s try it!”
They climbed up the steps on the outside of the house, removed some of the tiles from the roof, placed the paralyzed man on a mat, and lowered him down through the roof into the house where Jesus was.
Jesus said to the paralyzed man: “Get up. Take your mat and go home.”
The man was so excited that Jesus had healed him! He got up and all the way home he said: “Glory to God. I’m healed. Glory to God!”
SONG: “Jesus Cares for Me” by Mary Rice Hopkins from Come Meet Jesus album.
BIBLE VERSE: “(Jesus) healed all the sick.” (Matthew 8:16b).
Have the children stand in a circle. Say the Bible verse in unison 3 times. The teacher throws a nerf ball to a child. That child and the person standing to his/her right, say the verse together with the teacher. The ball is thrown back to the teacher. Continue until all have had a chance to catch the ball and quote the verse.
Needed for Each Child: 3” x 4” piece of material; 4 craft sticks; glue; construction paper; crayons; scissors.
Activity: Each child creates a stretcher like the one used in the Bible story, by gluing the cloth between 4 craft sticks. The children then draw, color and cut out a paralyzed man.
Allow the children to re-tell the story, using the props.
Have the children cover a graham cracker with frosting and place a small gingerbread man on top. As they review the story, have them think of ways they can bring their friends to Jesus.
Dear Heavenly Father: Just like the men carried their friend to Jesus for healing, we want to bring our friends to Jesus, too. We can do this by telling our friends about Jesus and bringing them to Him in prayer. Thank you so much for hearing and anwering our prayers.
LOVE ONE ANOTHER - Good Samaritan Bible Story Lesson
BIBLE STORY: “Loving By Helping” (based on Luke 10:30-37)
Instructions: Every time the children hear the word “walking” in the story, they stand when you signal by raising your hand and walk in place. Boys and girls are to be seated by watching your hand go down.
A man was walking from Jerusalem to Jericho. Suddenly, robbers attacked him. They beat him up, took his clothes, and left him there.
A priest came walking down the same road. The man thought, “Great! Someone will help me.” But the priest was in a hurry and didn’t take the time to stop and help the injured man.
A Levite came walking down the same road. The man thought, “Great! I hope this person will help me.” But this teacher in the temple did not stop and help the injured man either.
A Samaritan came walking down the same road. The injured man probably thought, “The first two people who came by didn’t help me. This person probably won’t either.”
But when the Samaritan saw the man lying there all beaten and bloody, he wanted to help him. He gave him first aid and placed bandages on the wounded man’s body. Then he carefully helped the injured man get on his donkey, took him to a place to stay for the night and continued to take care of him.
(Open your Bible to Luke and show the children.) This is a story Jesus told which is found in Luke in the Bible to tell us the importance of showing our love by caring and helping when we can.
DISCUSSION: What are some ways we can show our love to others by caring and helping?
SONG: “Love with the Love of Jesus” by Mary Rice Hopkins from Miracle Mud album.
BIBLE VERSE: “A friend loves at all times” (Proverbs 17:17).
Directions: Cut a large red heart from construction paper. Write the verse on the heart.
Clap ‘N Pass Activity: Show the heart and have the class repeat it 3 times together. Ask the children to sit in a circle. As you clap, boys and girls pass the heart to their right from person to person. When you stop clapping, that child and the ones sitting to the right and left of that child, all stand and say the verse with the teacher.
Needed for Each Child: Construction paper of assorted colors, including red, pink and green; scissors; glue; pens or fine-tipped markers.
Activity: Have children make as many heart flowers as time allows, by cutting out heart shapes and attaching stems and leaves. On each flower they can write a message, such as : “I love you”, “Thank you for being my friend”, etc. Encourage them to give to family members, relatives, friends and neighbors.
SNACK: Heart Cookies
Needed for Each Child: Large heart-shaped sugar cookie; various colors of icing; sprinkles and M&M’s®; plastic knives
Activity: Allow the boys and girls to decorate their cookies.
JESUS IS BORN - Children's Bible Lesson
BIBLE STORY (based on Luke 2:8-18)
Instructions: Ask the children to copy your gestures throughout the story.
Imagine in your mind that it's the middle of the night.
You are a shepherd - a person taking care of sheep - outside the city of Bethlehem.
It's dark. It's quiet except for an occasional "Baaaaa".
(Warp arms around yourself.) It's a little chilly. You are sitting around a campfire with the other shepherds, keeping warm.
Then suddenly, you see an unusual light in the sky.
(Put one hand above eyes, looking up) "Do you see what I see?"
(Point up) "Yes! Look at the light", another shepherd replies looking at the sky. "I wonder what it is?"
The light was an angel sent by God who said: "Don't be afraid. I have good news! A Baby has been born tonight. A very special Baby whose name is Jesus. He is in the town of Bethlehem right now in a stable -- all wrapped up and tucked in a manger.
Suddenly, the sky was full of angels all praising God and saying: "Glory to God in the highest."
Let's say that together boys and girls: "Glory to God in the highest."
Let's say it again: "Glory to God in the highest."
(On knees showing worship with hands together) The shepherds got on their knees on the ground in worship.
Then the angels disappeared and the sky was dark again.
The shepherds talked to one another and decided they would quickly go to Bethlehem and see for themselves what the angel had just told them about.
(Walk in place) They walked as fast as they could! They walked and walked and walked until they reached the town of Bethlehem and found the stable.
Jesus' mother, Mary, and Mary's husband, Joseph, greeted the shepherds. When they saw baby Jesus wrapped in a blanket and sleeping in the manger, the shepherds (on knees showing worship with hands together) got on their knees and celebrated the birth of Jesus by worshipping Him.
SONG: "Manger of My Heart" by Mary Rice Hopkins (from A Very Mary Christmas album)
Following the song, you may want to take an opportunity to share with your class that the reason God sent Jesus to earth as a baby was so He could die on the cross for our sins. If there are boys and girls in your group who have not accepted Jesus as their personal Savior, this could be a great opportunity if you sense the Holy Spirit leading in that direction.
BIBLE VERSE: "Jesus Christ came into the world to save sinners" (1 Timothy 1:15).
Directions: Cut out 10 yellow stars. Write one word from the verse and reference on each star. Attach the stars to a wall or bulletin board.
Activity: Say the verse together 3 times. Ask children to remove one star at a time, reciting the verse each time a star is removed.
Needed for Each Child: A heavy piece of paper 5" x 81/2"; 2 pieces of white construction paper 21/2" x 3" for the ends of the manger; straw (if available) or brown paper which has been shredded or cut into small pieces for hay; clear tape; crayons; small pieces of material for a blanket.
Activity: Color the manger. Fold the 5" x 81/2" piece into thirds. Tape on the manger sides. Drop in the hay or shredded brown paper. Draw, color and cut out baby Jesus. Wrap the baby in cloth and place in manger.
SNACK: Star-Shaped Sugar Cookies
Needed: A star-shaped sugar cookie for each child; yellow icing; sprinkles.
Activity: Allow the children to ice and decorate their own cookies.
EXTENDED ACTIVITY: Allow children to re-create the Bible story using Play-Doh. They can make sheep, a star, the manger with baby Jesus, sheep, etc. (There are numerous easy-to-make recipes for making various colors of modeling compound online.)