
BABBLING ON - Song to Accompany Tower of Babel Bible Story

Brick by brick stone by stone
They tried to do it all on their own
But God said, “No”
And sent them babbling on.

The tower of Babel was a manmade tower
They tried to build it with manmade power
But God said, “No”
And sent them babbling on.

On their own strength they built it high
To touch the heavens and stars in the sky
But God said, “No”
And sent them babbling on.

Kids love the ragtime feel of this song which is based on Genesis 11:1-9!  The chorus challenges boys and girls to build their lives on God’s plan and follows His ways.

Listen to a song clip HERE.

“Babbling On” is found on In the Beginning album.  Click HERE to order.

Click HERE to Order In the Beginning curriculum (on the book of Genesis).