
PUPPETS - Determine Your Purpose for Using

1. Presenting stories

a. Read the story carefully, picking out the important parts.

b. Keep the play short. Attention span is one minute beyond age.

c. Examples:

(1) A lamb puppet could be used to present the Christmas story from his point-of-view on the
Judean hillside, or in the stable the night Jesus was born.

(2) How about using a squirrel puppet to tell the story of Zacchaeus?

(3) A donkey puppet would be effective for Palm Sunday to tell about Jesus riding into Jerusalem, or Joseph and Mary's flight into Egypt.

(4) A lion puppet is perfect for a first-person presentation about Daniel!

2. Teaching scripture verse

a. A puppet could be named Detective Dan. His purpose would be to search through scripture to find verses for the boys and girls to learn.

b. A hound dog could actually look like he's searching for a verse and then dialogue with the children to help them learn it.

3. Reviewing previous lessons

a. Detective Dan could be used to snoop around, finding out which boys and girls know answers from the Bible story.

b. A Question Kid puppet can be created. Attach a question mark to your stage. Children take turns pushing the question mark circle which is the "doorbell" to bring up the Question Kid who, in turn, asks review questions.

4. Making announcements

5. Involvement with music

a. Those who normally don't like music will become involved when they use a puppet.

b. Creative way to learn new songs.

6. Reinforcing a Biblical principle or providing information

7. Teach behavior

A church mouse name CM could be used in a non-threatening way to help children learn proper behavior at church, because a church mouse sees all and knows all!

8. Pupil involvement with older children

a. Pupils pantomime the action using sock puppets

b. Spontaneous or impromptu dialogue

c. Learning songs, scriptures or important biblical principles

d. Developing a puppet presentation by working in small groups

(1) Children make puppets as a creative project

(2) Create scenery and props

(3) Brainstorm ideas, then decide what fits your purpose best

(4) Spend time rehearsing

(5) Share with other groups as a performance