

By Betty Robertson
eBay User ID: bargainsunlimited4u

A millionaire was asked how he managed to earn so much money. The man responded, "I buy items at yard sales for .25, take them home and sell them for $1.00." He made his millions prior to eBay becoming the nations #1 auction site. Imagine what he could have done on-line!

For the past 8 years, I have been purchasing items at yard sales and thrift stores for .25, .50, .75 and $1.00 and putting them up for auction on eBay. I now have a positive feedback rating of over 21,000. I will never become a millionaire selling on eBay, but that has not been my goal.

Often children's ministry leaders need to supplement their income. If you are reading this article, you probably already have knowledge of eBay and the potential it has of earning you extra cash. The eBay site itself provides all the information you need for getting started in selling: .

What I'd like to share with you is where to get your original inventory without having to spend any money. Go through your home room by room, closet by closet, drawer by drawer and pull out items which you have not used in a year. Then go back through with a fine-tooth comb to be sure you have not missed anything! Sort the items and put like-kind together: adult books, children's books, DVD's, unused cosmetics/perfume, clothing, toys, CD's, seasonal items, knick-knacks, etc. Put seasonal items in labeled boxes: Christmas, Valentine's Day, Easter, Mother's Day, Father's Day, summer, Halloween, Thanksgiving. (Seasonal items should be listed on eBay 6-8 weeks ahead of time.)

Select a group of items and do research on eBay in that category. For instance, you will find that children's books sell best in lots. As you search "lot children's books" and check out existing auctions, you'll get an idea of how many books you want to put in each lot - where to start the bidding -- and how much to charge for S/H.

Once you have listed everything in your home, take the items which have not sold and hold a yard sale. Keep what does not sell and ask a friend if you can go to her location and have a yard sale. You will be amazed at how much you can sell at different locations at yard sales. Items which do not sell after several ties, donate back to a Thrift Store and receive an IRS deduction.

After you have tithed 10% on your profit from these sales, and put 10% in savings -- decide how much you want to use as "seed money" for purchasing more inventory to sell on eBay.

Keep in mind, the general rule-of-thumb is that you will sell 1/3 of what you list. Usually you can sell another 1/3 with re-lists.

I keep my business bare-bones to make the maximum profit. I do not maintain a store because that is extra cost. I do not use gallery or any other special feaures that cost extra when listing.

I do use key words in my item descriptions so people will find them. For instance: "Lot Children's Books Reading Homeschool Education."

Keep in mind that if you are doing this as a part-time business, you can deduct mileage (keep an accurate yearly record). And if family members help you in any way with such things as organizing, packaging, listing, or delivering packages to the post office you can "pay" them with meals and/or small gifts. Keep all receipts for IRS purposes. Also keep all receipts or a tally of all items purchased to re-sell.

Your biggest challenge will be having enough inventory to sell. Don't hesitate to be a dumpster-looker! My daughter-in-law's mother saw an extremely old, dirty doll at the top of someone's trash and listed it on eBay. It sold for just over $100!

Often friends, relatives, co-workers, strangers have stuff aroud their homes they don't want but they avoid the hassle of a yard sale and never seem to make it to a thrift store. They will DONATE these items to you if you come and get them in your car or truck.

Stop by churches in your city and tell them when they clean their closets, you will come by and pick up the stuff they would otherwise trash. I have made an amazing amount of money on used curriculum, old VBS materials, CEF flannelgraph and other items churches were going to toss out.

I'm available to answer any questions you might have:

If you've always wanted to try selling on eBay, but haven't yet - start NOW!
If you're already selling on eBay but are discouraged for whatever reasons - DON'T QUIT!

Daily pray the Prayer of Jabez in regard to your part-time business -- that God will bless your listing and enlarge your territory.

Blessings to you!